Taking Back the Narrative
Taking Back the Narrative is a Zionism education initiative (www.tbtnisrael.com), which aims to fill in the historical 2,000 'gap' proving Jews have had a continuous presence in Israel. This podcast delves deeper into topics relating to Israel, Jews as a people, and current events relating to Taking Back the Narrative.
29 episodes
Is the Trump Gaza Deal Kosher for Israel?
TBTN (Taking Back the Narrative) is thrilled to welcome back Mark Kennedy, who appeared as a guest last season. Together, we discuss in-depth the Trump Gaza deal, as it now stands, and all the accompanying issues at play.
Season 4
Episode 1

Zionism & Politics: Unpacked; Featuring Leora Levy | Season 3: Episode 10
Leora Levy has been a leader in many aspects of her life: she was one of the first female traders on Wall Street after graduating college in 1978. Within politics, Leora's professional pathway has been equally as impressive, most recently havin...
Season 3
Episode 10

Geo-Politics: The Reality Behind the Headlines Featuring Mark Kennedy | Season III: Episode 9
What drew me to establish a friendship with Mark Kennedy, a Jewish political guru, through Facebook, was his well-informed, almost insider-esque, take on all things foreign policy and politics. For years, Mark and I would talk about U.S. politi...
Season 3
Episode 9

Has the West Fallen? Can It be Saved? Featuring Kenneth Abramowitz | Season III: Episode 8
The terrorist attack on 9/11 was a pivotal point for Kenneth Abramowitz, the Founder of Save the West (savethewest.com). Though it too, was for many, Kenneth branched out from his long-term career in health care consulting to alert the public a...
Season 3
Episode 8

Taking Strong Action Against Jew Hate Featuring Rebecca Harary | Season III: Episode 7
It was an absolute honor to have on Rebecca Harary, who is not only the President & Founder of CASEPAC (Combating Antisemitism Everywhere PAC), but is also the Co-President of the America First Club. Rebecca is the type of pers...
Season 3
Episode 7

The Illegality of On Campus Antisemitism Featuring Shabbos Kestenbaum
It was a true honor to have had on Shabbos Kestenbaum, a proud Zionist who is the bearer of many titles: a student activist and a media contributor; a lead plaintiff against Harvard University, and a lecturer on combating Jew hatred. <...
Season 3
Episode 6

Jews Need New Leadership with Brandon Weaver; Passionate Zionist & Political Observer | Season III: Episode 5
Brandon and I get into the weeds of why both American Jewish leadership has failed Jews in America and in Israel, and why Israeli leadership needs a complete overhaul. The sorry excuse for leadership has jerked Israel down a path of capitulatio...
Season 3
Episode 5

Lone Soldiers, Politics, & Understanding the Hasidic Mindset; Featuring Lilly Schwartz
Lilly Schwartz, a Program & Resource Coordinator at Nevut (https://nevut.org/), was instrumental on the podcast to share the importance of lone soldiers and their role in the IDF. What motivates someone to join the army that do...
Season 3
Episode 4

Israel & America Today, through the Lens of Politics & Psychology with Daniella Bloom; Psychotherapist & best-selling author; National Ambassador of JEXIT
No one can make sense of the senseless that happened on October 7th. One cannot comprehend the mass murder in horrific ways of 1200 people and the taking hostage of so many innocents. Join Daniella and I as we weave through dissecting the polic...

The Root Causes of the October 7th Genocide: Discussing in Depth the History of Muslim Terrorism & Weak Israeli Policies with Kobi Koren, International Relations Expert
It was an honor to speak with Kobi Koren, who is not only an expert on International Relations, but also has extensive knowledge on the history of the Middle East, and the Jewish people. Together, Kobi and I discussed the history of Muslim terr...
Season 3
Episode 2

Season III; Episode 1 - Delving Into the Post-October 7th Genocide Reality: Featuring Naomi Reinharz, CEO of the American Society of the University of Haifa
162 days since the barbaric genocide against Israelis, the Jewish world is still coming to grips with our new reality. Hate coming from all directions, our very homeland in potential jeopardy of survival long-term, and the incomprehension of ou...

Persian Jewish Pride: From Babylonian Times to Post-Iranian Revolution; Featuring Sharon Nik | Season II: Episode 8
The audience is in for an in-depth look at Persian Jewry as shared by Jewish Iranian community leader & activist, Sharon Nik, whose family on both sides spans thousands of years in Iran. Jews first came to Iran as part of the B...
Season 2
Episode 8

Yemenite Jews: A Strong & Enduring Presence in the Gulf; Featuring Matan Zimman & Tuvia Sulami | Season II: Episode 7
It was an absolute honor having on Matan and his family friend, Tuvia, a Yemenite Jew whose family arrived back in Israel in 1925. One of the greatest misconceptions in circulation is that Yemenite Jews are all converts. Nothing co...

Syrian Jewry: Jewish Strength from the Second Temple Era to Israeli Liberation; Featuring Adela Cojab | Season II: Episode 6
It was an honor to speak with Jewish activist Adela Cojab about the very deep history of Syrian Jews. A proud Diaspora community first emerged in Syria after the destruction of the First Temple. After the Crusaders first invaded Is...
Season 2
Episode 6

Bukharian Jews: The Journey from Israel to Iran, and the Silk Road; Featuring David Milov | Season II: Episode 5
Bukharian Jews have a fascinating history - from their journey to the Persian Empire from Israel, and all along the Silk Road, until ending up not just in Uzbekistan, but throughout other parts of Central Asia such as Tajikistan and Dagestan.&n...

Jewish Chutzpah: The Ashkenaz Journey from Russia to Argentina and China; Featuring Barbara Krystal | Season II: Episode 4
I am thrilled to have on Barbara Krystal, Taking Back the Narrative's Director of Educational Outreach. Barbara poignantly shares her family's history of how they immigrated from Russia to Argentina. Members of my family ended up i...

Bringing the Moroccan Jewish Experience (historical & cultural) Into the Forefront; Featuring Jonathan Karten | Season II: Episode 3
Take a deep-dive into the rich fabric of Jewish history in Morocco with special guest, Jonathan Karten, the CEO & Founder of the Iftach Group. The first Jews who arrived to Morocco were those who left Israel after the destruction of the Fir...
Season 2
Episode 3

A Deep Dive Into the History of Cochin Jews: India's Oldest Jewish Community; Featuring Thapan Dubayehudi | Season II: Episode 2
Indian Jews have a fascinating history, in that they are not one group, but several groups with different Diaspora stories. On this episode, I had the honor of speaking with Thapan Dubayehudi, a Professor of Foreign Languages, and also one of 1...

The Sorry State of On-Campus Zionism Education; Featuring Marlene Artov | Season II: Episode 1
The most common type of antisemitism these days comes in the form of anti-Zionism. This particular type of Jew-hatred is not just manifested online, within certain political parties, during anti-Israel marches and protests, but most increasingl...
Season 2
Episode 1

Why Zionism Education Needs an Overhaul: Featuring Naya Lekht; Part II
In part II of the Why Zionism Education Needs an Overhaul episode, featuring Naya Lekht, a passionate and informative Zionist, and the Director of Education at Club Z, we tackle topics such as 'does politics belong in Zionism education...

Why Zionism Education Needs an Overhaul: Featuring Naya Lekht - Part I
As pro-Israel organizations are multiplying, antisemitism is skyrocketing. Something is off. Tune in to a dynamic discussion between Naya Lekht, a passionate and informative Zionist, who is the Director of Education at Club Z, and ...
Season 1
Episode 10

Israel & Africa: Both a Complex and Promising Relationship: Featuring Olga Meshoe Washington
What is the status of modern Christian Zionism? Does it come from an earnest place? Olga Meshoe Washington digs deep into this topic that is widely discussed among the Jewish community. Olga also lends her impressive backg...
Season 1
Episode 9

Jews & Muslims: Can the Abraham Accords Transcend History?: Featuring Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie
Taking Back the Narrative is honored to feature in this episode Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie, a TBTN Advisory Committee Member, who is currently the Senior Rabbi, Jewish Council of the Emirates - Sharei Mizrah, among other notable titles.
Season 1
Episode 8

Jewish Victimization: How to Prevent It Physically & Spiritually; with Aaron Hadida | Episode 7
Jews have an unfortunate reputation as victims - from the end of the Holocaust, that description has especially hard stuck. Lately, with antisemitic attacks on the rise, many Jews themselves have velcroed onto that descriptor. But, does it have...
Season 1
Episode 7

Grand Mufti: Progression of Jew Hate from Ottoman Arabist to Nazi War Criminal; Featuring Ido Reif
Description: Why the need to focus on a long-deceased Grand Mufti when numerous Imams today are saying that Jews are the sons of apes and pigs, and calling for the death of Jews? It is because Amin al-Husseini (the British Mandate-...
Season 1
Episode 5